Author: Sébastien de Beauffort

Department of Financial Studies, Delhi University – Crisis Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship during COVID-19 is a source of success for some new born companies. For the others, it can be difficult to survive if they do not have the correct methods, tools and advices. That’s what Javier Gonzalez and Sébastien De Beauffort will talk about through this lecture.

MolenGeek – Automated testing

Sébastien de Beauffort has given an interview about “Automated testing” during development for the tech talk from MolenGeek. Rediffusion available on Facebook.

University lecturers changing the world

USIL – University lecturers changing the world

Javier Gonzalez Nuñez has given a talk about “University lecturers changing the world” at the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in Peru.

AIWMI – Financial planning

Javier Gonzalez Nuñez has given a talk at the Association of International Wealth Management of India about Financial planning.